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Portrait drawing: Week 2 & 3

So I didn't post last week because I just felt like there wasn't much progress for me to update. I did discover Proko's YouTube channel and it really helped a lot with learning how to draw using the Loomis method. His steps became much clearer whenever Stan (from Proko) went through them step by step in his videos!

Figure sketch following Proko's video tutorial

I completed a few sketches after many rounds of edits, here are some:

I tried colouring a sketch but I'm not happy with it :(

Sometimes I feel like I'm improving and getting better but other times I just feel like I'm not good at this at all. There are faces I tried and tried to sketch but they just can't come out right and I'd be so frustrated and upset with myself. Somewhere between Week 2 and 3 almost everything I drew came out horrible. I'm not sure why, but I just cannot get anything right. See below :(

I felt like I was just getting too emotional and putting too much pressure on myself to get things right so I distracted myself by doing some egg shading practices.

Of course these are not perfect, but I think it did help distract me a little. I also did some eyes and lips practices today:

I think perhaps I'm having so many issues because I still need a lot more practice when it comes to drawing basic face structures and fitting in the features, which basically meant that I need to draw many many many more different kinds of faces in different angles. I thought I would be able to get to shading and tonal work by now but it's taking longer than expected! That's okay, though, I'm happy to be learning something every day. I'll be back again when I've made more progress!

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